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SSL Certificates

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SSL Certificates

SSL certificates protect your customers' personal data, including passwords, credit cards and private information. Purchasing an SSL certificate is the easiest way to increase your customers' confidence when doing business online.




1 domínio
Licenças de servidores adicionais grátis
Trusted Green address bar
$1,750,000 warranty level
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Positive SSL Wildcard



Validação do Domínio
Sub-domínios ilimitados
Licenças de servidores adicionais grátis
Emitido até 2 anos
$10,000 garantia de confiança
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Comodo SSL



Domain Validation
1 domain
Free additional server licenses
Issued up to 2 years
$ 250,000 trust guarantee
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Encrypting website traffic using SSL ensures that no one will be able to capture information sent between visitors and the web page.


The badge is a graphical representation of your protection - it’s the main reason people buy SSL. It serves as a reminder to customers that your website is protected.

Ranking improvement

It's official, an SSL certificate increases the number of visits to your site. Search engines like Google and Bing give preference to sites with the HTTPS protocol.

Unlimited reissues

In many companies you buy the SSL certificate and can install it only once, in case of change in the hosting for example, you lose the certificate. At SuperDomínios are unlimited installations.

Solid security

Many customers look for the SSL padlock icon before dealing with personal data. Get an SSL certificate to increase your customers' confidence in your online business

Encryption level

Security is determined by the number of bits used to generate the SSL key, which is then used to encrypt the data. All of our certificates have 2048bits, the best protection on the market.


The vast majority of browsers in the world will recognize the certificate you buy from us. Comodo is recognized and one of the oldest companies in the sector.

24/7/365 support

Our support team is available 24/7. Count on our service via chat or ticket (email) whenever you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate issued to a domain by a central authority called the Certifying Authority. To issue an SSL Certificate, you must purchase an SSL certificate and apply for the verification process conducted by the Certificate Authority.

2. Why should I buy an SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate is responsible for: a) Encoding information sent from your user's browser to your website. b) Authenticate your website's identity. Through these two steps, an SSL certificate protects your customers and increases their confidence in your online business. This is significantly important if your website requires users to log in using passwords or enter sensitive information such as credit card details.

3. Do SSL Certificates work on all browsers?

SSL certificates are compatible with all major browsers.

4. Can I update my SSL Certificate?

Unfortunately we do not offer an upgrade / downgrade at this time. You must acquire a new certificate and install it on the same web server as the old one.

5. Do I need technical knowledge to set up an SSL Certificate on my website?

Installing an SSL Certificate is not difficult, however there are a number of steps to be followed. You can find more information in our database.
